Poudre River Trail Alerts

This website provides updates for the 22-mile section of the trail from Island Grove in Greeley to River Bluffs and Kyger Reservoir in Windsor. For information on other sections of the Poudre River Trail, please click on the name of the city or county: Timnath, Fort Collins, or Larimer County

Get the latest updates on Colorado Trail Explorer (COTREX): https://trails.colorado.gov/. If you have a Smartphone, install the COTREX app (iPhone or Android). COTREX is by far the best and up-to-date source of trail closure information. 

Conditions change on a daily basis. If you see something, please report it to director@poudretrail.org or 970-381-6250 (call or text).

Greeley Closure Updates: January 2025

The Duran section of the Poudre River Trail (between 59th Avenue and 71st Avenue in Greeley):

This section has been closed for an extended amount of time for repairs. The estimated re-open date is February 3, 2025.

  • Extent of closure: 25th Avenue to 35th Avenue.  
  • Estimated closure dates: December 9, 2024 to May 31, 2025. 

For questions about this project, please call 970-350-9813.  

Once complete, the Poudre Ponds will reopen with improved public recreation amenities for fishing and non-motorized recreation, such as kayaks and paddleboards. 

  • Extent of closure: The entire Poudre Ponds property (Ponds A & B) will be closed at the 35th Avenue gate.
  • Estimated closure dates: December 9, 2024, until late 2025 or early 2026. 

For questions about this project, please contact water@greeleygov.com.   

If you require Emergency assistance on the trail, call 911 and report the issue along with the information on the nearest trail marker, trailhead, or landmark. This will help emergency responders locate you.

For non-emergency situations, or if you see something on the trail that needs attention, call, text, or e-mail the Poudre River Trail Executive Director at 970-381-6250 or director@poudretrail.org. Please be as specific as possible, especially regarding the location. Photos are always appreciated.