Trail Etiquette
In order for everyone to enjoy their trail experience there are proper manners for all trail users to exhibit. Remember the trail is for non-motorized use including walking, running, cycling, and rollerblading. In order to avoid conflicts observe the following guidelines:
- Stay on the right side with the flow of traffic.
- Groups should be in single file when other trail users are present.
- Control your speed! Travel at safe speeds that allow time to react to unforeseen hazards and allows the ability to slow down for corners and other trail users. Slow down and use caution when approaching or overtaking other trail users. Let them know if you are passing.
- Who Yields the Trail? Before passing another trail user make your approach known well in advance. Cyclists are encouraged to have and ring a bell when passing. A friendly greeting “passing on your left,” also works well.
- Bicyclists and skaters yield to walkers.
- Bicyclists yield to skaters.
- Downhill users yield to uphill users.
- Faster users yield to slower users.
- Respect the resources: Look at wildlife from a distance, leave wildflowers and plants for others to enjoy, and stay on the designated trail.
- Always look in front and behind before changing positions on the trail.
- Be courteous! All trail users should be respectful of other users regardless of the type of recreation activity, speed, or skill level.
- Be respectful of private property. The Poudre River Trail is open to the public, but most of the adjacent land is private property. In many cases, adjacent landowners were generous in donating the land which the trail is located on.
- Practice the “Leave No Trace” principles. Be sensitive to the area, stay on existing trails and pack out at least as much as you take in.

Trail Rules
- Park only in designated areas
- Trail hours are dawn to dusk
- *Non-motorized activities only; EXCEPTION: Class 1 and Class 2 electrical assisted bicycles (e-bikes), as defined in C.R.S. § 42-1-102(28.5)(a) and (b), may be used on a trail.
- No horses are allowed
- No pets off-leash
- No swimming (applies to humans and dogs)
- No camping
- No alcoholic beverages
- No glass containers
- *No fires, firearms, paintball guns, fireworks, or anything similar
- Stay on the trail – No Trespassing
- Leave no trace: pack out what you take in, including animal waste
- Observe wildlife from a distance. No feeding, harassing, capturing or killing of wildlife along the trail
- No picking flowers or plants or taking any wildlife home
* For detailed information, see the following document: Weld County ordinance Article III, “Public Trails”